or just feeling life. Lots of times I pray here.
Or, I wave at all the people who drive by! ;O)
I love them.
Posted by tesiamaria at 3:37 PM 6 comments
1. I'm not ashamed to do what everyone else is doing.
2. I've never been to Mexico.
3. My phone just rang...it was Bro Jimmy Cook...he wanted to know Union Hill's school colors. (Why?!)
4. I call my sister-in-law "Mary".
5. She calls me "Veronica" AND "Mary" .
6. I yelled at a little boy across the Rio Grande.
7. I've been known to wave frantically at unsuspecting citizens of Arab AL.
8. The gay guy who works in Bath n' Body Works likes the same scents as me. (Warm Vanilla Sugar and Raspberry Vanilla)
9. I don't think that's a good thing. (For him.)
10. Sometimes I waste a perfectly good hour taking internet quizzes.
11. I should be folding my laundry right now.
12. But, I'm not.
13. One time I told a complete stranger to "Back up off me".
14. I LOVE mud ridin'.
15. I'm contemplating purchasing a fairy puppet from Target.
16. Blood grosses me out.
17. Starbucks is a very yummy way to splurge on my "diet".
18. Was the best birthday I've ever ever had.
19. I woke up at 4:00 am to listen to Princess Dianna's funeral on NPR. I cried.
21. Is the *NEW* age for "grown up Sunday school". (Congrats to Kimmie, Jonathan, and Dirk!! Don't forget those you've left behind. )
22. Sarah Coble called Logan Carter "Looper" when she/he were younger. (I did too.)
23. I was a babydoll conisuer when I was a kid.
24. My brother is making VERY strange sounds and saying that he's shooting me with "Wizard Fire." I'm dead.
25. Being dead is a whole lot like being alive.
26. I'm a retard.
27. Whenever I have a party Brian IS NOT invited. EVER.
28. I'm an Alabama Football fanactic.
29. We'll prolly get smashed this week by Arkansas.
30. I don't care. Losing is not a good enough reason for me to quit loving Bama. ( We're 3-0 so far. HA!)
31. One time I played funeral at the Odens. (Josiah was the dead guy. Ethan preached. Elam was my kid. Me, Emily, and Jr. were his (the dead guy's) siblings.
32. Elam and Ethan used to fight over who got to be my kid when we played church.
33. They prolly both deny that fact now.
34. If I was rich I would go shopping lots. (duh.)
35. Michael W. Smith plugs his nose when he sings.
36. I want to adopt a baby from Western Samoa.
37. I don't know when to use the "you too" phrase.
38. Whatever. That was dumb.
39. The other night SOMEONE told me I looked like a witch. (I told them I felt like one.)
40. I'll get you my pretty. (And your little dog too.)
41. Sometimes I like to lay on the grass and watch the clouds drift by.
42. I call my nephew's "Frodo" and "Muffin". Somehow the whole world decided these names were open to the public. They weren't.
43. It's okay though. I'll get over it.
44. I love to sing.
45. LOUD.
46. Walmart rocks. So do cart pushers.
47. Ogden Nash is awesome.
48. Sometimes me and my Mom bellow out 80's power-ballads. (Total Eclipse of the Heart is a favorite.)
49. My favorite number is 2.
50. I love History.
51. And acting.
52. And Banana Republic.
53. Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape is my very absolutely positively my favorite kind of gum.
54. If I could meet Tommy Emmanuel....WOW. It would be awesome.
55. I've been known to sing along to such "praise and worship" songs as Here I am to Worship, The Heart of Worship, and Open the Eyes Of My Heart while rapturously lifting my hands unto the heavens.
56. People look at me strange when I partake in this particular exercise.
57. I love to make myself laugh.
58. When I go to Applebee's I order a raspberry lemonade and a Chicken Broccoli Alfredo Bowl. (WITHOUT tomatoes please.)
59. I'm kinda hungry.
60. It seems as though I run into old men alot.
61. Like, literally.
62. Sometimes I laugh at complete strangers for strange reasons.
63. Arab is my town.
64. One time I ate shark. It was good.
65. A unidentified man almost had to save me from falling off Mesa Verde.
66. I LOVE flying in air planes.
67. I'm scared to use the bathroom in one though. I might fall out the toilet.
68. I just cracked myself up. No joke. (I'm a weirdo)
69. Taylor Hicks is awesome.
70. Sweet Tea is very yummy.
71. I get tired of writing things about myself after about an hour.
72. I'm still laughing about the plane toilet thing.
73. I'm the only one in the world who thinks I'm hilarious.
74. I like to read books about other worlds/time travel.
75. I love Lionel Richie.
76. And the Commodores.
77. Pink is a very happy color.
78. You know that little section in Parisian's when you first walk in the door from the mall? I LOVE it. I can't remember the name though.
79. Tragic.
80. Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea. I did too. On an island actually. Anastasia Island.
81. Fiddler on the Roof is an AWESOME musical.
82. I've always wanted to be in a musical.
83. Sometimes I just run around my house. (As opposed to walking. You know, like normal people do?)
84. Friday is my favorite day of the week.
85. I love Monkey Bread.
86. I still haven't folded my clothes.
87. One time my family and I bravely scaled the side of a VERY tall mesa IN OUR VAN!
88. Can I be your hero?!
89. When I get bored I go outside and sit on my swing.
90. I love my swing.
91. I can't spell.
92. I wonder what would happen to me if I fell out of an air-plane toilet?
93. That wasn't as funny as I thought it was gonna be.
94. I have a "pew friend".
95. Sometimes I have to give Kimmie lessons on how to speak English. (Knit-knots anyone?)
96. That was an inside joke. Don't worry about it.
97. I know you were. (Worried, that is. )
98. I love my President. OUR President.
99. That was random.
100. Whew!
Posted by tesiamaria at 6:08 PM 9 comments
Song: Dream Big
Artist: Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band
Why is this "my song"?
What's the name of this blog?
Because they make me think of warm summer evenings at home with my family. They remind me of how wonderful my life is and how much I love to live.
Dream Big is no different.
When I listen to this song it reminds me that nomatter how crazy life gets...I can still look up at the great big blue sky and dream BIG.
This is "my song" because it makes the kid inside of me smile.
Posted by tesiamaria at 4:04 PM 1 comments
Posted by tesiamaria at 2:53 PM 3 comments
I'm proud to be an American
Posted by tesiamaria at 9:03 PM 3 comments
Posting regularly seems to have become a challenge in my life.There's not really a good excuse for this latest phenomenon. I've just lost my bloging zeal.I can't ever think of anything good to post about anymore and I hardly care!!
This is NOT GOOD.
See, bloging isn't the only thing I've neglected in recent weeks. Truth be known, I get on the computer VERY RARELY these days. I've even stopped checking other people's blog for updates.
It really makes me sad.
I want to enjoy bloging again...I NEED A REVIVAL.
Some sunshine and fresh air...A day on the river...A funny joke... SOMETHING to help me blog again!
Posted by tesiamaria at 12:03 PM 7 comments