
Poetical Post.

A word from my favorite poet.... Enjoy!

The Firefly
by Ogden Nash

The firefly's flame is something for which science has no name
I can think of nothing eerier
Than flying around with an unidenified glow on a
person's posterior.

Further Reflections on Parsley
by Ogden Nash

The parsley
is gharsley.

The Octopus
by Ogden Nash

Tell me, O Octopus, I begs
Is all those things arms, or is they legs?
I marvel at thee, O Octopus
If I were thou, I'd call me Us.

I think Mr. Nash is very entertaining.



For Leah.



Ashamed and Happy.

Ashamed because....

I only posted twice the WHOLE time I was gone. I could try to make up good excuses...but I wont. I'll just admit that I'm a loser. I should be beaten with staves of brass.

Happy because....

I'm home! Campmeeting was awesome but, so is Morgan City. I was actually glad to see The Salvage...and the 7-11...and all the rednecks who hang out there. In my opinion I live in the most wonderful place in the whole wide world.

That's all.


Letters Home #2

Hola. I hope this letter finds you well.

No joke.

I took this picture yesterday and I think it's smooth.

That's all!

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Letters Home #1

Hello from the land of alligators, sunburns and old women! ( a.k.a. FLORIDA!!!)

Nothin' real exciting has happened...but...I'M GOING TO THE BEACH TOMORROW!!!!

Of course, I'm not in the least bit excited about that.

I just thought everyone would like to know.

By the way....I'm so glad I live in good ole' Alabama!



So Long Comrades!

It's to the big La Florida for me!
We're planning on leaving 'bout 7:00 tomorrow morning.
I'm pretty much VERY pumped about it all.
We were supposed to leave this morning BUT... Mr. Tropical Storm Alberto changed those plans for us! Wern't that nice of him? I thought so!
Hopefully I'll be able to post while I'm gone...I'm not so sure about the internet status of the whole situation though...we'll see.
I'm sure all that was of upmost concern to everyone! ;O) Oh well. It's my blog. I can ramble as long as I very well please! So ha!

Yeah, so...I'm pretty much gonna miss you guys like crazy. But that's cool. I'm just thankful that I have peoples to miss!

Hopefully I'll see everyone at campmeeting!

Ta ta.


Don't worry...

God will never leave you alone.

You're good to go man!


Where's my bed?

That's what I need to know.

Because if I don't get some sleep...I'm just gonna kill over.

I'll die from lack of sleep.

It'll be real sad.



Here's some information on Tesia.

She HATES frogs.

They're slimy, they're fat, and they're ugly. God says something this effect about them..."Three unclean spirits...LIKE FROGS." (Rev.16:13) All in all.....they're just nasty creatures.

So, I guess what I'm getting at is...a lady found one ALIVE and (it only gets worse) IN HER SALAD. She said it was black. SO GROSS. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO VERY VERY GROSS.

I would positively fall over dead if that happened to me.

I don't know if I could bear it.

I'm not even being funny.

I'm dead serious.


Ramblings of the Addicted.

What's with the irresistible desire to post 456 times a day? I can't remember anything that has ever affected me this way. It's actually a little weird. I can just hear Kayla say," You ARE weird Teeshirt!" :O)

But really though, if I had known it was this fun...Why, I would have joined the bandwangon years ago! It's kinda like I'm hangin' wid my homies 24/ my own home...WITHOUT them being in my home. Just the way I like it!! So, rock on Bloggers of America and keep on typin'!

What a Beautiful God.

He created the heavens...He shaped the mountains...He's the Author and the Finisher...The Great I AM...He's God of all heaven and earth. Who am I that He would even think about me...much less love me? He holds the stars in His hand and still he knows my name. What a beautiful God.

When I think of God in these terms, it's very easy to see that giving Him all of me is just reasonable. After all, what is my very very best compared to His?



In the Beginning ...

tesia was reading her dear friend Kylatte's blog. As she read she felt an undeniable tug inside her blog-hardened heart.

Well, here I am folks! I've finally made the leap into to company of the blessed!


Next thing you know I'll be pouring over a sudoku while I contemplate my next move in scrabble and contentedly munch on sushi.