
So Long Comrades!

It's to the big La Florida for me!
We're planning on leaving 'bout 7:00 tomorrow morning.
I'm pretty much VERY pumped about it all.
We were supposed to leave this morning BUT... Mr. Tropical Storm Alberto changed those plans for us! Wern't that nice of him? I thought so!
Hopefully I'll be able to post while I'm gone...I'm not so sure about the internet status of the whole situation though...we'll see.
I'm sure all that was of upmost concern to everyone! ;O) Oh well. It's my blog. I can ramble as long as I very well please! So ha!

Yeah, so...I'm pretty much gonna miss you guys like crazy. But that's cool. I'm just thankful that I have peoples to miss!

Hopefully I'll see everyone at campmeeting!

Ta ta.


RaCeCat said...

see ya in FL!! love ya lots gurl

Brooke said...

I. I will miss you berry mucho. If you Blog the c-meeting those of us leevied behind can experiance it with ya! :) Have fun and don't drink too mucho salt water. There's no telling what that could do to ya. :)Sun! :)Sand! :)And Sea! I Luby, Maria!~

~*This Mama*~ said...

have fun!

HEY, how come you no havie link to my blog on this thing? ;-)

J. No said...

Thanks, TesiaMaria!

You're cool too.
