::Drumroll accompanied by enthusiastic cheers and squeals of delight::Hey everyone.
I guess this post is just a reminder that I AM still alive. ANNNND believe it or not....I DO still care about my dear blog.
Soooo... Here's to the long life and health of all the fine citizens of the Republic of Blogg!
Rock on.
::Music swells, people smile and begin to clap vigorously. Tesia exits stage left waving frantically::
haha! i liked the closing...
May I have your autograph?
Just remind me on sunday.
hEy haven't stopped by here in a while...doesn't look like i missed anything though.....I hope you have SWE Double L day!!
hey girlie so do we have a place at ur house this year or do we have to go elsewhere lol
"Hey you...
I just thought I would let you know that I check your website like 6 times a day for an update. (slight exaggeration)"
Remember that?
Delightful daughter
WE...need another update
hahaha I feel the same way sometimes only.. I could never quite express it like that! BRAVO! And I can't wait to see ya in what is it.... 2more weeks? love
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