

is cool.

I should try it more often.


Just Me said...

Updation-What a word.


Definitely a Josh-like influence goin on ...

J. No said...

Did get that picture from A Woodstock website?

That dude looks lke he just got through watching the Grateful Dead perform.

I bet he's a snoooboarder...


Anonymous said...

That is what a college student looks like now a days... They even stick their thumbs up and have goofy looks, just like him. He is the "Epitome of a Male College Student"

Brooke said...

"Epitome." T, do have a very fond memory of that word? I do. :) Luby, ya girl. ~

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but I have a question., If you are free from sin, how is it that you listen to country music, is'nt that worldly, and friends of the world are enmity with God-right. please write me and let me know your true insight.'

I think that you are very pretty too, just a word.

Anonymous said...


Isn't pretty much everything worldy, since we are, after all, in the world? I agree that some country music is worldy or sinful, but there are definitely some songs that have good messages and very decent music (for example, "Jesus Take The Wheel" or "Three Wooden Crosses"). To make a generalization and say that someone is not free from sin because they listen to country music is at best out of order. To do something that isn't exclusively Church of God is not worldy. The point is to abstain from sin, and not be conformed to or consumed by this world. There is a balance in the true gospel.

mangagirl said...

agree with the above. updation is great word isn't it?