Today I listened to classic country...AND I LIKED IT.
I'm really ashamed.
You guys have no clue how much I've ragged my brother( Josiah) for liking this stuff.
It's AWFUL. I mean, Conway Twitty IS NOT cool in my book. I think he's dumb...But here I am singing, "I DON'T HURT ANYMORE!" ( Actually, that's not Conway Twitty. I did my little blogger-girl homework and found out Hank Snow sings that song)
SO, why did I post this useless information????
Well, I just thought it VERY strange that I should all of the sudden start enjoying something TODAY that my whole life I couldn't stand.
I guess my question for you guys would be......Am I the only person in the whole world that this has ever happened to? Have you guys ever had a VERY SUDDEN change of opinion?
Am I stuck liking this mess for the rest of my life?
Do I really like it if I just called it "mess"? Mr. Conway Twitty
( don't you wish you could be like him?)
Heartaches By the Number
Posted by tesiamaria at 2:48 PM
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yep i have had my share of "changing taste" moments the thing is i useto hate old country but then one of those "moments" changed my tastes FOREVER.(meaning i LOVE some classic country still to this day)
We thought we'd NEVER listen to country music.....
It happened shortly after we moved here though.
I don't usually listen to it myself anymore; too many kids here like to sing along and it always seems something bad comes on that I wouldn't want them to sing.
Just give us some campmeeting music or something, we'll be fine.
Ummmm, I didn't like broccoli as a kid, and now I do....
....does that count?
Quite honestly, I think you need to do some real soul searching here Sister. What is it about your life that makes you like this stuff now, as opposed to last week?
In other words:
On the fip side, I think it very good of you to explore your inner nerd, er, culterist....
(Just don't do it when I'm in the car, ok?)
yuck Tesia
truly yuck
shmily for being honest
I listened to Conway last night as I went to bed... Josiah must have that effect on all us. I never listened to it before he did...
I used to think it was disgusting to put ketchup on french fries and lately I have started doing it myself. (I always find myself wanting to check and see if anyone is SEEING me do it....)
Yes I had a change in one of my opinions one day. It was soo weird. I still wonder how my brain started thinking differently so abruptly.
i used to also think that putting Ranch Salad Dressing on pizza (Timothy!) was nasty until I tried it.
I grew up listening to oldies such as Conway. I don't prefer it, but I still enjoy them when I hear them. It just reminds me of my younger days, as in the single digit days. I also grew up listening to classic rock and I still love that to this day! Country is just not for me. Some of it's pretty catchy though...
and i STILL love Strawberry Shortcake and Carebears! lol
There is only one cure. Listen to till you can recite the words by heart and you will never want to listen to it again. :-)
I used to not like the music of the BeeGees, but one day I heard one of their songs (Stayin' Alive) and thought "that is a great song for when you are in the right mood for it. I even bought their big double greatest hits CD. (!) I confessed this to no one for a long time.
I hardly ever listed to it. But once in a while.... when I am in a certain mood, some good ol' rock n roll fits the need.
The same goes for country.
Fear not. You will likely go through phases of listening/liking and not.
Just enjoy the ride.
Yeah... I used to listen to country all the time, and now I pretty much hate it.
btw BeeGees in NOT rock'n'roll. However, we will let that pass to some degree.
How bout this? "You had me from 'Hello'?"
Country Music in reasonable doses is good. It makes you realize how happy you really are. (We'll leave off the joke about getting your truck, house, dog, etc. back...)
To All,
I think my favorite country artist is Ray Stevens.
My favorite song? "Momma get hammer, there's fly on the baby's head"
I used to HATE saurkraut - blech, yuck-o but Sis KB helped me get over that! I now like it in small doses too. Same with Classic CM - small doses, the mood has to be just right. Classic rock when music was the real thing and not mixed/synthetic stuff - take that anyday. I can remember we weren't allowed to listen to that "Elvis the Pelvis" or any rock and roll at home (barely able to listen to the radio period - won't go there) it was considered "devilish music" - now, listening to most of today's music - it makes the 60's & 70's music seem almost equivalent to "elevator music". So, yeah tastes come & tastes will go.
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