
I Love Legal People.

Here we go....

It matters not to me who or what they are. Russian, Filipino, Welsh, Mexican, Dutch, Chinese....I don't really care where they're from.

IF THEY'RE ILLEGAL...THEY'RE ILLEGAL. That means they're breaking the law...which means they're CRIMINALS.

I don't understand people who try to take up for these CRIMINALS! Yeah, maybe they work hard. Maybe they had to risk their lives to make it here. I DON'T CARE. They're BREAKING the LAWS of this country. And as an LEGAL American citizen I can't find any excuse for them to be here.

Please don't think I have an attitude against ANYONE. I'm not wishing bad on anyone. I don't have a complex against any certain race of people. Really, I LOVE for folks to find their dreams here. It's what America is about. If we trace our roots back far enough...we ALL immigrated from somewhere. I just want to see folks come here and pursue their dreams LEGALLY.



It is possible by the way.


tesiamaria said...

By the way....thanks to Kayla for firing me up. I'm not copying you...just adding to your comments. :O)

RaCeCat said...

A sista after mine own heart!! lol

J. No said...

Amen sister!!!

I'm gonna take a lap!

Erin said...

well.....i don't know if it was me and this was the only place i could provide for my if they are over here trying to sell drugs thats a whole different story.

Brooke said...

GIrrrlll! So true, MAria! It's not about race... it's about the way health care is going up for tax paying, legal people... The way very old, almost forgotten in America, diseases are reappearing and have been traced to illigals. If this problem is not stoped I'm afraid life as we know it will be very hard to come by. Have you ever been to the health department in Dec.? 9.5 babys per illigal mom of the ripe old are of 23. ALL on food stamps that legal people pay for. Ok. Enough. I can get off my box now. I luby, Maria.

mangagirl said...

Wow... Im undicided...okay, how about we don't let them in...but let's not kick la madres con bebes si? oh, and viz my site I've done some updation (to borrow hope's word.) its

Cassia said...

amen t-maria. I so agree. legal is FINE i mean this a great country. All that are born here heve been blessed. but we can take everone else here illegally. if we allow everone to come here illegally it would no longer be this great country we have today.

Jon said...

People, legal or not in the eyes of our great nation, are just as valuable as you and I... and they are souls that Jesus died for. Should they be here illegally? I dunno... but since they already are, and since I haven't ever seen a good plan for deporting millions of people (that doesn't include genocide), you might as well get used to it.

Erin said...

I agree with JC whole heart :-)
It's not about Legallness it's about loving our enimies doing good to those that hurt you. I should know,but that's a story for another time.
See Ya!

Erin said...