Today I'm the victim of a raging head cold.
It's awful.
I had to work today too.
This is a "Tesia wants sympathy" post.
Posted by tesiamaria at 2:42 PM 11 comments
Music City and My Birthday!!

the OTHER SIDE of the Opry Shop. WE'RE IN!!

I realized that black and white pics weren't even going
to come close to portraying what it's like inside... so...

This is a smooth picture I took from the third to the front row
of the Opry House.
(I think it's smooth anyway!)

It's SO crazy to stand there and think that YOU
are standing right where people like...Johnny Cash, Elvis,
Allen Page :O) , Patsy Cline, and tons of others have stood.
He was doing a show there that night.

George Jones has prolly stood RIGHT THERE!!!
(maybe not.)

Posted by tesiamaria at 8:04 PM 5 comments
Happy Labor Day.
This post is for my Mama.
Tomorrow, ( as some of you know) is my birthday.
But, before MY day begins I want to acknowledge my Mama's day.
I love you.
Posted by tesiamaria at 9:40 AM 10 comments
For Kyleigh, Ryan, and Colten.
May be all I need to know.
And if I listen to my heart
I'll hear your laughter once more
And so I got to say
I'm just glad you came my way
It's not easy to say
Lionel Richie
Posted by tesiamaria at 1:34 PM 2 comments
I know I need to go to bed when...
...I take it upon myself to "ADOPT" a "PET"
His name is Hannity and he's a friendly little hamster.
I'm his new "Mom".
How wonderful
Posted by tesiamaria at 10:14 PM 4 comments
Ladies and Gentleman...President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
We bloggers have stretched out our loving arms to Mr. Ahmandinejad and welcomed him into the fold. (Everyone please nod your heads "YES".)
You know, they say he's doing this as a publicity move. I think he just wanted to be like his American friends.
THAT'S US!! (Do you feel special yet?)
So, be sure to add his BRAND NEW blog to your list of blogging buddies soon!
(You can click on the picture if you want to visit our new found friend.)
Posted by tesiamaria at 8:24 AM 4 comments
![]() | Tenderheart Bear |
Which Care Bear are you?
Posted by tesiamaria at 6:26 PM 4 comments
My Babies.
These are some pictures of my little munchkins.
I love them SO much. They'll alway be my little babies.
I don't care how tall they get!
This is Baby Clare. Isn't she so sweet?!
She the smallest Smith alive!
Kyleigh and Ryan. I'm SO glad God brought them
to us! I love them so much. It almost makes me cry
when I walk into the room and they're little faces light up.
"Tia!", they yell and run to give me a hug. SO SWEET.
I love this picture of Elly. He's the sweetest kid in the whole
world. It's so cute when he points at me and says, "Look!"
This is Gage, Evan, and Elly. They all look so little.
All my babies are growing up SO fast.
It's wonderful and a little sad too.
I'm SO blessed to have all these little people to love!
Posted by tesiamaria at 9:29 AM 3 comments
Mexicans, sweet tea, and a birthday boy.
These are the Mexican Enchiladas that were devorerd
by happy people.
This is the sweet tea that Sarah made fun of.
It's the best sweet tea in the south and I beat her up
for making fun of it.
This is Jason. He's having a birthday
so we made him a cake and sang "the song"
These are some of the coolest people in the whole
world right here. I'm very blessed to have them for friends,
and cousins, and nephews, and brothers, and sister-in-laws.
That's all.
Posted by tesiamaria at 9:08 AM 5 comments
This is Ii (eye-eye) and his Tia!
I love him SO muches!
It's not a very good picture of either of us. :O(
He's cute though. That makes up for the rest. :O)
Posted by tesiamaria at 1:40 PM 2 comments